"Best Canadian Tossup"

This question appeared in the Canada I team's packet for VETO 2014.

His most famous artistic work was "The Great Executioner" and he claimed to have invented the process of mezzotint. A member of the Royal Society, he developed a new brass alloy and formulated a question about the geometry of a cube. In 1666, Samuel Pepys ["peeps"] recorded that this man was "distasted with my discourse ... about the bad state of the fleete." As a result of another position, he became the namesake of both a large territory that was incorporated into the North-West Territories in 1870, and Canada's wettest city, located in British Columbia. That role was the first governor of the Hudson's Bay Company. For ten points, name this German aristocrat, soldier, and Cavalier.

Answer:  Prince Rupert (or Ruprecht) of the Rhine

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