Third Annual
Vancouver Estival Trivia Open
July 14, 2001

The third annual Vancouver Estival Trivia Open (VETO) was held on Saturday, July 14, 2001, at the Harbour Centre Campus of Simon Fraser University in downtown Vancouver, B.C.

We are grateful to National Academic Quiz Tournaments (NAQT) for providing questions at no charge. Question packets from NAQT's intercollegiate series were farmed out to players at VETO and the companion London Estival Trivia Open (LETO). These editors replaced some of the American questions with Canadian ones. There was no central editing.

There were seven teams with a total of 25 players, more than twice as many players as in VETO 2000. Teams were:

Round-Robin Results

Rounds were untimed, with 20 tossups in each. Power tossups were not used.

A single round-robin was played in two rooms.

winning team score score losing team question authors
B2B 225 115 MRSS NAQT + Peter
Oregon 145 135 Waterloo
SFU 210 150 Waterloo NAQT + Oregon
FARSIDE 285 180 B2B
SFU 260 60 MRSS NAQT + Tara
FARSIDE 310 40 Oregon
B2B 480 50 Waterloo
Waterloo 155 60 TSSU NAQT + Peter
B2B 205 140 Oregon
MRSS 235 60 TSSU NAQT + Brock
FARSIDE 410 45 TSSU NAQT + Bruce
SFU win forfeit* Oregon
MRSS 155 40 Waterloo NAQT + SFU
Oregon 180 25 TSSU
FARSIDE 360 155 MRSS NAQT + Waterloo
B2B 210 155 SFU
Oregon 185 155 MRSS NAQT + SFU
B2B 345 15 TSSU
FARSIDE 470 35 Waterloo
* The Oregon team forfeited the game against SFU because it was late returning from lunch. After Oregon showed up, they played SFU half a game anyway on the packet by NAQT + Bruce. Result: SFU 70, Oregon 20. Points in this half-game are not included in the stats below.


We had agreed originally that the top two teams would face off in a best-of-three final series, in which the round-robin game would count as the first game in the series. But we were running late: by the time the round-robin ended it was almost 4:40, and we were scheduled to do the Trans-Canada Championship Match at 5:00. There would not have been time to play two more rounds, if that were to be necessary, so the top two teams, FARSIDE and B2B, agreed to play just one final round, and the tournament winner would be decided by the total score in that game and the previous FARSIDE-B2B game (which was FARSIDE 285, B2B 180).

winning team score score losing team question authors
FARSIDE 305 145 B2B NAQT + Carlos from SFU's team in Ontario

Therefore FARSIDE won VETO for the third time.

Individual tossups in the final game (+10/-5):
FARSIDE: Peter 9/1
B2B: Bruce 5/1, Brock 2/0, Brian 0/0, Amy 0/0

The FARSIDE team then played in the Trans-Canada Championship Match against the winning team from the London tournament.

Team statistics

Here are the team stats for the round-robin.

W: Wins
L: Losses
TH: number of Tossups Heard
PPG: average Points Per Game (forfeited games excluded)
+10: number of tossups answered correctly
-5: number of incorrect interrupts
TUP: TossUp Points
BP: Bonus Points
BAvg: average points per bonus
PPTH: average Points Per Tossup Heard
PA: total Points Against
Diff: average score difference (forfeited games excluded)

Rank Team W L TH TP PPG +10 -5 TUP BP Bavg PPTH PA Diff
1 FARSIDE 6 0 120 2255 375.8 77 5 745 1510 19.6 18.8 520 +289.2
2 B2B 5 1 120 1645 274.2 59 18 500 1145 19.4 13.7 760 +147.5
3 SFU 4 2 100 910 182.0 37 6 340 570 15.4 9.1 915 -1.0
4 Oregon 3 3 100 690 138.0 36 5 335 355 9.9 6.9 830 -28.0
5 MRSS 2 4 120 875 145.8 41 6 380 495 12.1 7.3 1130 -42.5
6 Waterloo 1 5 120 565 94.2 33 6 300 265 8.0 4.7 1520 -159.2
7 TSSU 0 6 120 280 46.7 18 10 130 150 8.3 2.3 1545 -210.8

In every match, the higher-ranked team defeated the lower-ranked team.

Individual player statistics

For the round-robin portion only.

Rank Player Team +10 -5 Games Points/Game
1 Peter FARSIDE 77 5 6 124.2
2 Bruce B2B 38 7 6 57.5
3 Greg MRSS 24 5 6 35.8
4 Sean Oregon 19 3 5 35.0
5 Justin Waterloo 18 5 6 25.8
6 Hanson SFU 14 4 5 24.0
7 Sarah SFU 12 2 5 22.0
8 Brock B2B 18 10 6 21.7
9 Amy Oregon 10 0 5 20.0
10 Tariq MRSS 5 0 3 16.7
11 Nikhil Waterloo 8 0 6 13.3
12 Paulman SFU 6 0 5 12.0
13 Neal MRSS 6 1 5 11.0
13 William Oregon 6 1 5 11.0
15 Geoff Waterloo 7 1 6 10.8
15 Dave TSSU 7 1 6 10.8
17 Shaun SFU 5 0 5 10.0
18 Nicole MRSS 5 0 6 8.3
19 Tara TSSU 7 6 6 6.7
20 Cynthia TSSU 4 3 6 4.2
21 Amy B2B 2 0 6 3.3
22 Julianna MRSS 1 0 5 2.0
23 Helen Oregon 1 1 5 1.0
24 Brian B2B 1 1 6 0.8
25 Stephanie Waterloo 0 0 6 0.0

For leading the individual scoring, Peter retains the title of West Coast Dominatrix of Relevant Knowledge (WC-DORK).


Some players received prizes. Honourees were selected by the sponsor of each prize.

Honour honouree reason prize sponsor
Early bird award for first arrival MRSS team was at Harbour Centre at 8:45 a.m. a bag of Gummy Worms Peter
First to lodge a protest Peter protest in second round (his first game) The Nitpicker's Guide for Next Generation Trekkers Bruce
Most ridiculously wrong answer Brock "University of Chicago", after hearing a whole tossup with the correct answer of SFU. M & M Minis Hanson
Solidarity award for most united team SFU working together TSSU pens Tara
Longest trip to VETO that morning Justin he started the day in Redmond, Washington, and picked up all of his teammates a bag of airline peanuts Hanson
Brock Stephenson award for most -5s Brock got ten -5s M & M Minis Hanson

General observations and lessons learned

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